Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Rose Forgot, by Nevada Barr

I have to say that first of all when I started the book I wasn’t impressed at all. I was frustrated and wanted to stop reading. Poor Rose was so disoriented that it made me the reader also disoriented.

But I pushed through because Net Galley claimed the book was awesome. 

I got hooked about 60% of the way through. That changed my mind to go from a two star to a five star. Because of that I ended up at 4 stars.

Rose Dennis is in a Memory Care Unit with early onset dementia. She is also in an aggressive progression of dementia, or is she? She is confused, she is disoriented and she is mad. She gets the flu and because of that she has flushed most of the drugs out of her system. That means she is starting to remember. That turns out to be bad for the Memory Care Unit, but not for her.

As Rose starts to wake up things start to change. She starts to get aggressive and starts to plan her escape. But you are left wondering if she is nuts, demented, or just plan scary. She causes hurt and pain to others. But she also has paincaused to her.

I don’t want to say much else because it would be a spoiler. But let me say this. Rose ends up capturing my attention and my admiration for her determination to find out what the truth is. I think she will grab yours as well.


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