Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Thin Ice, by Paige Shelton

Beth Rivers is an author and she is highly successful. So successful that she has acquired a Stalker. She also was kidnapped by said stalker and injured to the point of needing surgery on her head because of a sub-dermal hematoma.

The stalker has not been caught, so Beth Rivers is running away. She has come to Benedict, Alaska to get away from society and from crowds. She is hopeful that Levi Brooks, her stalker, won't be able to find her in the village of Benedict near Glacier Bay. Its population of 500 people and its non technical lifestyle (little cell phone reception or internet) should serve to allow Beth to hide.

The story works around the issue of Beth learning what it is like to live in a small town and one that is in the unforgiving Alaskan Wilderness. If she isn't eaten by a grizzly bear she might just freeze to death if stuck in a winter storm without proper apparel.

The story is very captivating. The situations are stimulating and somewhat frightening at times. The true nature of people comes out and our author describes them perfectly. Beth is plunged into a mystery as well as the rest of the town while she tries to hide her identity and hide from her stalker.

Being the first book of a series is always interesting. Will the book capture your attention enough that you will want to buy future books in the series? Will the characters be intriguing enough to hold your attention through multiple books? Is there enough tension, both romantic, relationally and circumstantially to keep you coming back for more?

The answer to those questions is "YES." You will fall in love with Beth Rivers and the cast of characters of the town of Benedict, Alaska, to keep you returning for more and more of the adventure. I have started following Paige Shelton so that I can be alerted to when the next book comes out on the market.


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