Wednesday, January 9, 2019

12 Faithful Men, Edited by Collin Hansen

These are twelve short biographical studies about Pastors who faced a degree of suffering in their ministries. Some were specifically targeted by opponents, some were jailed and beaten, some struggled through personal tragedy.

The premise of the book is to help those who are "called" into ministry to understand that they will face struggles and trials, that is pretty much a given. It follows some of the Apostle Paul's thoughts from Philippians when he states that a believer is Christ must suffer for the sake of Christ. That sounds downright unpleasant. Why would anyone want to suffer for a ministry?

But these twelve bio's give us a glimpse into the hearts of men who did suffer for the "sake of Christ," and how that effected their lives and their ministry. 

This book is intended to be an encouragement to those of us in ministry, but again, just understand that it gives us the perspective that we will be hurt in ministry, torn down, dragged through the mud, etc. While that may hurt the rewards that come out in the long run are what is worth the price we will pay.


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