Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Breach of Trust, by Rachel Dylan

Mia had a touch life growing up. Raised by a single mom who was also a drug addict didn't give her a lot of chances to make something of herself. But she fought hard, went to law school and now works for a large law firm and is "living the dream." Or is she? Trying to pay off her school loans she actually is at a large firm that pays well, but doesn't necessarily mean that she is doing what she wants.

Then the unthinkable happens. Her good friend and associate, Chase, is brutally murdered. Mia finds his body and the intrigue starts. She is determined to see the man who killed Chase put on trial and convicted. But at the same time the law firm gives her control of the Corporate Case that Chase was working on. It is a Breach of Contract. But as she digs into the case she finds that there are some major problems of corporate espionage. 

The storyline will deal with issues of Trust, Forgiveness, Deceit, Truth and Honesty as well as Integrity. The author weaves a wonderful story but also deals with issues that each of us face in real life, just maybe not to this depth. At the same time Mia is struggling with her new faith, one that leaves her questioning the goodness of God.

There are so many dialogue lines and issues that will keep you and your book club talking about this wonderful novel for weeks. I couldn't put it down and can't wait to talk to others about some of the issues that are addressed.

Oh, and just when you think you know "Who did it," you realize that you were completely wrong. So, don't make assumptions until you completely finish the story.


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