Monday, October 15, 2018

The Coming Storm by Mark Alpert

I was really looking forward to a great political thriller / mystery. But I was surprised when what I got was a novel that is written with a very definite political bent against our current president and some of his policies.

I don't mind hearing someone's opinion, but not typically in a novel. When a novel is written such as "1984" or "Brave New World," it uses fictitious characters. This novel does not go to any length at all to hide the identity of the characters being written about. Thus, this becomes a political diatribe instead of a novel.

The novel is well written and the sequencing is exciting and draws you in. The plot is that in the future of America there is civil turmoil over the issue of immigration and the President has instituted some programs to move immigrants into secure city locations where they can be monitored.

There is a futuristic sense to the novel in that scientists have developed a way to manipulate DNA and produce "Super Warriors," they have special abilities and extreme strength. They are recruited into a Federal Policing Agency that is tasked with overseeing the detention and rounding up of immigrants. They are pretty much above the law.

The story weaves it's way through New York City and the program designed to alter DNA.

As I said I enjoyed the storyline.

I just wish the author had been a bit more respectful of our current government. You can have your political opinion and you can write a novel against it, just don't be so down right blatant. Remember there are people who are in agreement with a current scenario.


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