Monday, December 3, 2018

Why I Love The Apostle Paul, by John Piper

John Piper gives us another excellent book. He details out the life of the Apostle Paul and better yet tells us why he loves the hard charging in your face Apostle. 

Many of us love the Epistles from the Apostle Paul and enjoy the story of how he went from condoning the stoning of Stephen to being an Apostle for the Lord Jesus Christ who's main task was to reach out to the Gentile Community. But he was a difficult character to understand.

He kicked the young disciple Mark off the team because Mark deserted him and Barnabas on their first missionary journey. But then later in his letter to Timothy he desires Mark to come to him "because he is useful to me in ministry." Hard charging, in your face confrontation, but then a softer side that makes us fall in love with him.

I can't imagine the thoughts running through Onesimus the run away slave when Paul sends him back to his master. But writes to Philemon that Onesimus is like a son to him and should be considered a beloved brother, not a slave.

Piper gives us a great look into the life of Paul and then tells us why he, Piper, personally loves the Apostle and was and still is challenged by him in how he does ministry.

If nothing else this will give you a glimpse into Piper's mind as well as that of the Apostle Paul.


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