Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Flights of Fancy, by Jan Turano

Isadora Delafield has a problem! She is single, an heiress of a great fortune, and her mother wants her to be married to someone with a Title. Enter the Duke of Montrose, from England, on the American Continent to procure himself a wife. So, what's the problem?

The problem is this, the Duke is an oaf, and also disgusting, and also the most boring man alive. He believes himself a fine catch and "always" gets what he wants. But Isadora is turned off by his lack of manners, his bad breath, his terrible self aggrandizement an just down right unsuitability as a husband as far as she is concerned. But her mother and society will push her to marriage.

Instead, Isadora runs away. She leaves New York to become a housekeeper for an estate in Pennsylvania. The only problem is, it is not an estate but a working farm. So, think of the story like this, Green Acres meets Jane Austen.

Isadora is intrigue with life on the farm. She is intrigued with life in small town America. She falls in love with children, animals and a man who is a true rags to riches American story. Ian MacKenzie has gone from being a poor young man abused by his father to a man possessed of a excellent business mind and one who has climbed the business and social ladders of Pittsburgh. He is wealthy now and well respected by the local elite.

But he owns this farm that his adoptive parents run. He keeps it well maintained because of his love for them. But his desire is to climb higher up the social ladder in Pittsburgh. To do this he needs the correct wife to help him in that endeavor.

Enter Isadora. She is pretty, she is smart, she is a hired servant! How can he fall in love with her? She will not help his social standing. For her part she meets Ian and he is handsome, kind, generous and a man to love, but he is a farmer.

The story is well written. It is fun. It is laughable. It is intriguing. I must admit that at first I wasn't sure whether I would like it or not. But then, the story unravels, and being a Jane Austen fan, I fell in love with the American Heiress and Ian MacKenzie. Once you start the story you won't be able to put it down.

Jen Turano is a wonderful writer who weaves a beautiful story along with countless concepts of society, love, expectations and, well, just how love wins out in the end.


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