Saturday, May 11, 2019

When Helping Hurts, by Steven Corbett

As we have been dealing with the Homeless Issue in our community (they are now called "unsheltered" to be politically correct) we needed a refresher on what is truly helpful in how to deal with them.

I suggested that our staff read Corbett's book and it has proven to be a blessing to us. Our staff have spent many hours talking about the book, working through the questions that are posed and then applying some of the issues to our situation.

The bottom line is that Corbett helps you to see that the issue is not an economic issue but a "heart" and "relationship" issue. The problem facing the homeless is that their relationship with God and with others is broken. As you step up to help them work through that broken relationship you will see growth.

Also in working with the homeless it is best to get them actively involved with the process to bring about changes to help them. So, Corbett gives great cultural, economic and social answers to the issue but he wraps all of that around the fact of how to help people with their broken relationship with God.

As we have been working through this now for the last five months we are discovering some real positive movement. Just this week three of our homeless have gotten all their paperwork in order, have met with social workers and all three have obtained full time jobs. They are liking the fact that they are now earning money and can start to right their ships. BUT, one of the major contributors to the turnaround is their attendance at weekly Bible study, their coming to family dinners weekly with our church congregation and their learning as well as our congregation learning that positive relationships can be built.

This is a great tool for any church to use in working through their issues with helping the homeless population. But beware, it's not just reading, its hard work that has to happen along with it.

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