Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Deep State, by Chris Hauty

What a fun read. This is the first novel by Chris Hauty. His previous job was as a screen writer. So, he knows how to weave a story. But often times screen writers don't make the best novelists. But in this case he is superb.

We have a young woman, Hayley Chill, who is one of the first women to ever enlist for the Army infantry. She is an exceptional woman, but mentally and physically, although she is petite she packs a powerful punch, literally. She also has a photographic memory.

But she leaves the military and obtains an internship position in the White House. There she will work for the Office of the Chief of Staff to the President. As such she comes in contact with many influential people and leaves them all with a memory of her confidence, ability and determination.

But then a murder happens and the wheels start to come off the track. Hayley is thrown into a political scandal that might just destroy the Monroe Administration if not the U.S. Government itself. Who can Hayley trust? How can she find a murderer and the architects of a conspiracy that runs deep into the political realm of Washington D.C.

The ending will startle you, but you will not be disappointed as to what happens, instead you will be left with your mouth hanging open and your mind running full speed ahead about what is truly happening in our current government and political environment.

This is a book that won't disappoint you.

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