Saturday, February 23, 2019

Joseph, by John Lennox

This book is a "Deep Dive" into the life of Joseph. I was expecting a book just about Joseph and the Biblical story of his life in Genesis. But what I got was a whole lot more. I was surprised, but not disappointed.

John Lennox gives a great overview of the whole book of Genesis by wrapping it around the theme of the life of Joseph. The reason for the overview is that he wants you to understand the family dynamics of Joseph's family (going all the way back to Abraham). Why? Because his family was a tad bit dysfunctional, but God still used him and his family for His purposes.

Think back to Genesis 12 when God tells Abraham that his family (nation) would bless the entire world. That seemed a bit out of the question at the time. But God had a plan.

Joseph's life plays a large role in showing how God was going to use the Jews to bless the whole world. Even though Joseph's brothers sold him into Slavery and even though Joseph ended up in jail for a time, still God was faithful and so was Joseph. 

Because of Joseph's faithfulness to God he was able to get out of prison, rise to fame in Egypt and basically save the known world from a seven year famine. That saving blessed not just the Jews, but the Egyptians and other nations as well.

But what are the lessons for us today? Well, John Lennox pulls together Joseph's life, his dysfunctional family and all of scripture, both Old and New Testament to drive home our needs to see God as caring and Sovereign. How will you respond to life's circumstances when they don't go your way? Learn how Joseph responded and then ask the Lord to help you learn how to respond appropriately to your own life circumstances so that you can be a Godly example to those around you.

Enjoy learning!

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