Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sea of Greed, by Clive Cussler and Graham Brown

Kurt Ausin and Joe Zavala are again on the prowl in this new adventure. Somehow the world's oil fields are drying up. Instead of pumping out oil they are pumping out dangerous gas that ignites into flames when it comes in contact with water and or oxygen.

What is going on? How can this be stopped? What will the economic damage be to the world's oil market and thus financial markets as the fuel oil we need to rely on stops flowing?

As Kurt and Joe continue to save people from harrowing situations they come to realize that there is a new kind of evil being sown among the world's elite power brokers. Tessa has come on the seen and has developed a power cell that can replace our need for oil. But people aren't excited about it until the oil starts to dry up. Why is all this happening at once?

In true Clive Cussler fashion Graham Brown writes another technology thriller that is cutting edge stuff and will give you an exciting read as well as another education on our earth and its ecological systems.


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