Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Murderer's Daughter, by Jonathan Kellerman

First I would like to thank the Publisher and Net Galley for making a review copy of this book available to me in exchange for a review. This book will be released in mid August and can be preordered on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

This intriguing story is written in two time periods. One time period is the growing up phase of Grace Blades life where things were anything but normal. The second time period is Dr. Grace Blades life as a Psychologist.

Grace Blades was born to a family of dysfunction. Her dad drank way to much and abused his wife and daughter at times, her mother was an escapist who tried to stay out of her husbands way. Grace was left to fend for herself most of time. Due to a tragic circumstance both parents die and Grace is placed in the Foster Care system where she goes from home to home until a final destination secures her destiny.

Grace is brilliant, a genius, and learns by just reading and absorbing. At her last stop in the Foster care system she is introduced to Malcolm who is a Psychologist specializing in children and he feeds Grace’s appetite for learning.

While in her last Foster Home Grace observes a set of three children who come in and appear as totally dysfunctional. A death happens, then another and Grace is left on her own.

But Malcolm and his wife Sophie come through and bring Grace home to their mansion and raise her as their own.

Grace using her intelligence to the max graduates from Universities with a PHD in Psychology and sets up practice.

She then comes in contact with a young man who eventually is murdered. This sets off a mystery that Grace is bound to solve and solve it in a way that no one would imagine. As the daughter of a Murderer does she have a part of her father in her that leads her to harsh judgment and action?

Well, read and find out. It is very interesting. I think at times it slows down a bit too much and has too much detail that is unnecessary, but all in all it is a fun read.


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